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Cellar. Castle Baths. Waiting room

Part of the collection: Interiors

Popularization note

Historical names: The Waiting room
Time of construction: 1928
Architects: Tadeusz Dachowski (?)

The most modern undertaking in the Łańcut castle of the last ordinate of Alfred Antoni Potocki in the 20th-century interwar period was the construction of the so-called Roman Baths in 1928 in part of the basement. They were accessed from the northern, single-story corridor. Another way of communication between the baths and all floors was through the elevator. This recreational complex, consisting of vaulted chambers lined with porcelain tiles or wainscot and embellished with painted decorations, was intended for broadly understood physical renewal: exercise, massage, electro- and hydrotherapy. They have a whole system of modern bathtubs and balneological and gymnastic equipment. The baths were decorated exquisitely: they are accessed by wide, sumptuous stairs. The waiting room and the bar with painted decorations on the walls and ceilings, with heavy curtains between the rooms, are discreetly illuminated by wall lamps. There are leather club armchairs and sofas, and the bar has a tall counter and stools. The ordinate invited his guests to the baths - being there became one of the attractions in Łańcut. The waiting room accessed from the stairs is an interior on a rectangular plan with a cross vault, with high, wooden panelling and three wooden portals enclosing the staircase opening and entrances to two corridors in the eastern and southern wall. At the top of the portals in the eastern and western walls with a pseudopalmette, at the top of the doorway in the southern wall with a cartouche and the date 1928. On the northern wall, there is a hanger in the form of a panel with a bar, topped with a tympanum, on the sides of which two rectangular mirrors in flat wooden frames. The walls and the vault are painted mainly with rocaille, campanula and flower motifs. A wooden floor.

Cholewianka-Kruszyńska Aldona, Łańcut. Dzieje rezydencji Potockich, Bosz, 2009, pp. 125-126 Paterak Marta, Łaźnie i elektroterapia w zamku w Łańcucie, Biuletyn GBL, No. 349, 1994, p. 83 Piotrowski Józef, Zamek w Łańcucie: zwięzły opis dziejów i zbiorów, Lviv 1933, p. 45 Silber J.S, /Inwentarz fideikomisowy/, 1932, typescript, MZŁ Archive, R/55, k.96

Aldona Cholewianka-Kruszyńska

Information about the object

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Creation / finding place

powstanie: Łańcut (Europe, Poland)


Castle Museum in Łańcut

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object is not displayed now

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