Portrait of a woman
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Part of the collection: Malarstwo i rysunek
Bolesław Jan Czedekowski quickly gained fame as an excellent painter, particularly as a portraitist. He was fascinated by the beauty of the female body, which is why his work features numerous nudes. Among them is "The Reclining Woman," painted in 1961 in Vienna. The woman lies with her back to the viewer. Her head, with short hair, rests on her right shoulder, which is supported by a pile of pillows. Her left hand lies on the wrist of her right arm, and her legs are bent at the knees. The nude figure, in a relaxed pose, is positioned on a bed covered with a blue patchwork quilt. The pillows are in cool grey and blue shades of white. The woman’s hips and legs press a crumpled nightgown into the bedding. Next to her lies an open book with a rose used as a bookmark. The background consists of a wall covered with patterned wallpaper. The painting is composed in bright tones. The colours of the bedding enhance the warm tones of the model's body. The yellowish-green of the nightgown closely matches the tones of the wallpaper, enriched with warm browns. The rose stands out as the most vibrant element in the painting.
Bolesław Jan Czedekowski (1885–1969) was a Polish painter born in Voinyliv, in Eastern Galicia. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and later became a student of Professor Kazimierz Pochwalski and Heinrich von Angeli, two renowned portrait painters. He opened his first studio in Vienna and was perhaps most associated with this city during his early artistic career. He also lived in Vienna during World War I, gradually gaining recognition for his portraits of aristocratic women and the wives of high-ranking officers. He exhibited his art in Vienna, Paris, Warsaw, and Kraków, though it was not initially well-received in Poland. After World War II, he immigrated to the United States. In the 1960s, he returned to Vienna, where he passed away on 8 July 1969. He was buried in Lofer, near Salzburg. Czedekowski was married twice. His first marriage, to Viennese Eugenia Nell in 1913, resulted in a daughter named Helena. As a widower, he met Hertha Aujezdecky, who became his second wife. In this painting, one of the highlights is the nightgown, which was donated by Mrs. Hertha to the Łańcut Castle along with this and other canvases by her husband.
Dorota Błoniarz
Author / creator
Object type
canvas, oil-color
Creation time / dating
Creation / finding place
Muzeum - Zamek w Łańcucie
Identification number
Location / status
Castle Museum in Łańcut
20th century
Castle Museum in Łańcut
2. połowa XX wieku
Castle Museum in Łańcut
National Museum in Lublin
Educational path