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Tubabu Cè Kun theatre puppet

Part of the collection: Dolls from the sogo bò theater

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The theatrical puppet (English: marionette, French: marionnette) attached to a cloth-covered frame under which the puppeteer-animator hides is part of the Sogo bò theatrical tradition found in the Ségou region, in the south-central part of the Republic of Mali. It depicts the head of a white man, a representative of the French colonial authorities. It was also called a ruler of the bush. It was found in the village of Koulikoroba by the well-known and respected Malian puppeteer Yaye Coulibaly. Sogo bò, literally meaning the animals have moved on ahead, is a festival in honour of the spirits of nature to curry their favour, favour the whole village and ensure an abundance of rain, crops and fishing grounds. It is traditionally held twice a year. Both festivals are of a thanksgiving nature and are closely linked to the agricultural and fishing cycle of the year. Sogo bò, which falls in late October and early November, coincides with the beginning of the harvest and the peak of fishing activity. It is a n expression of gratitude for the harvest and fishing, while Sogo bò, which falls in late May and early June, is associated with the arrival of the rainy season, signalling the time of sowing and planting and the rising of the rivers - a traditional New Year for both farmers and fishers. In addition to celebrations linked to the cycle of nature, performances are held throughout the year to mark important events in the life of the village (weddings, christenings, Mali Independence Day, a particularly successful catch, the end of Ramadan). The only occasion for their preparation may also be the desire to bring joy to the village community and simply have fun. Although the organisation of the festivities is traditionally entrusted to members of the Kamalen Ton association, the performances are a collective endeavour of the entire village. Everyone helps with the preparations and the whole community takes an active part in the celebrations by singing, dancing and clapping.Thee gift from Oleńka Darkowska-Nidzgorska and Denis Nidzgorski-Gordier.

Ewa Prądzyńska

Information about the object

Information about this object Tubabu Cè Kun theatre puppet

Author / creator

Kamalen Ton (stowarzyszenie młodych) (zleceniodawca)


cały obiekt: height: 30,8 cm, width: 11,4 cm

Object type


Creation time / dating

między 1901 — 1950

Creation / finding place

powstanie: Republika Mali (Afryka); znalezienie: Republika Mali; region: Koulikoro; wioska: Koulikoroba

Identification number


Location / status

object is not displayed now

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