Fibula decorated with filigree
150 — 200
National Museum in Szczecin
Antiquity Collection from the Pre-Roman, Roman and Migration Period were uncovered mainly on archaeological excavations on burial sites and settlements going back to the time between final centuries before Christ and the close of antiquity. However, there is no lack of hoards or single finds, including bronze, silver or gold coins minted in the Roman Empire as well as Byzantine ones. Among this part of archaeological collection particularly worth noting are grave goods, especially finds uncovered in graves of aristocracy buried in the area of Lubieszewo, furnished with, among others, numerous imports from the territory of the Roman Empire. Of interest is also intricate and elaborately decorated jewellery of precious metals, such as silver bracelets or fibulae with gold appliqué. Unique finds include also a big, stunning silver and gold plated fibula dated at the final stages of antiquity.
Znaleziono 110 obiektów
20th century
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Museum of the history of Polish Jews
2nd half of the 19th century
Castle Museum in Łańcut
National Museum in Szczecin
Educational path