Fabric printing block
1701 — 1900
National Museum in Szczecin
The matrices (blocks, stamps) were used to imprint directly on the material an ornament imitating expensive materials, unavailable to the poorer classes: damasks, brocades, etc. Textile printing in West Pomerania in the 18th and 19th centuries was popular and very developed. Mainly, the linen intended for bedspreads, curtains, bedding, as well as skirts, aprons, collars, etc. were decorated. The matrix consists of two blocks, the upper one (oak), the lower one made of softer wood, with a floral or geometric ornament (sometimes appearing together). At the beginning of the 19th century, dies began to use brass sticks and narrow plates, fixing them in wood with edges.
Znaleziono 20 obiektów
1730 — 1735
National Museum in Lublin
19th / 20th century
Castle Museum in Łańcut
18th-19th century
Castle Museum in Łańcut
National Museum in Szczecin
Educational path