Figure - man
między 1951 — 2000
National Museum in Szczecin
People all over the world differ not only in skin color or the language they speak, but also in religion. It is related to many different aspects of our life, e.g. the holidays we celebrate and the accompanying behaviors or objects. What we believe also affects the rhythm of the day, week, and even the year. Find out about it with the example of the four religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, learning about them in general and in detail.
Adherents: Jews
Most important book: Torah (Pentateuch)
Place of worship and gatherings: synagogue
Where the most followers live: Israel, United States
Jews, who are the followers of Judaism, gather and pray in a building called a synagogue. The most important feature of any synagogue is the holy ark, where the sacred book, the Torah, is kept. Interestingly, the Torah is not in the form of a regular book, but is written on a long scroll that is rolled onto special rollers. It can be said that it is rolled up in a scroll.
The Torah scroll is always richly adorned. It is placed in a decorative fabric covering called a "mantle" or "dress." On top of the scroll, a crown is placed, and below it, a shield is hung.
During the reading of the Torah, a special pointer is used, typically with a hand-shaped end and an extended index finger. It helps guide the reader's eyes along the text.
That's because Torah scrolls are not allowed to be touched with the finger!
The weekly holiday of the Jews, beginning shortly before sunset on Friday and ending with the onset of darkness on Saturday evening, is called Shabbat.
It is a joyful time spent with family, friends, and guests. It is meant to remind that everything is created by God, including the day of rest. Therefore, on Shabbat, work is not allowed.
On Friday evening, after the prayer in the synagogue, a festive dinner takes place in Jewish homes. The hostess then lights two candles placed in special candlesticks and recites a blessing. There may be more than two candles, but never less. Lighting them is a very solemn and important moment that marks the beginning of Shabbat.
Adherents: Christians (including Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, among others)
Most important book: The Bible (Old and New Testament)
Place of worship and gatherings: churches, cathedrals, chapels, temples
Region with the largest number of adherents: North and South America
The most important symbol of faith for Christians is the cross. According to the events described in the Bible, Jesus, the Son of God, was sentenced to death by crucifixion, which means being nailed to a cross. His body was then placed in a tomb. However, on the third day, Jesus was resurrected, meaning he returned to life, and later ascended to his Father in heaven. These events give Christians hope that the same can happen to every person after death.
The cross composed of two beams, with the horizontal one being shorter, along with the figure of the dying Christ, is most commonly found in Catholicism.
The figures depicted in the Bible are often portrayed in paintings. These include Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the saints. In Orthodoxy, there is a special type of paintings called icons. They are most commonly created using paint on wooden panels. Icons are created according to established rules, and each element, such as color or gesture, carries symbolic meaning.
In this icon, Christ is depicted as Pantokrator, which means "Almighty" in Greek. That is why He is seated on a majestic throne, supported by two angels. Each of the angels raises one of their wings higher than the other, which is interpreted as a gesture of joy. Christ holds an open Bible in His left hand, while His right hand is raised, with His fingers forming a gesture of blessing or greeting.
The Bible tells the story of the temptation of Jesus Christ by the Devil. The Son of God was tested on several occasions. One of these temptations was depicted by an unknown painter. On the right side of the painting, Satan extends his hands filled with stones towards Christ, urging Him to turn them into bread. However, Christ raises His hand in a gesture of admonition and refusal.
Interestingly, in the painting, the Devil is dressed in a religious habit and wears a cardinal's hat on his head. His true nature is revealed by the claws protruding from beneath his robes. The painter was certainly associated with Protestantism, which in the 16th century strongly criticized clergy for their excessive attachment to material matters and bad practices. Instead, they encouraged focusing on the Word of God and living with moderation.
Followers: Muslims
Most important book: Quran
Place of prayer and gatherings: Mosque
Where the most followers live: Asia (mainly central and southwestern parts of the continent) and North Africa
A very important part of every Muslim's day is prayer. Adult men are expected to pray five times a day. Although it is not obligatory, it is recommended to perform the prayer in a mosque.
In the prayer hall, there are no furniture items, but everyone knows how to position themselves because they are required to pray facing Mecca, the holiest city for Muslims.
The direction of Mecca is indicated by the mihrab, which is a special niche. This place is usually richly decorated. The showcased beige-gold fabric is used for this purpose and is adorned with handcrafted embroidery.
The fabric also features Arabic calligraphy. It is a quote from the Quran, which is the most important book for Muslims.
Followers: Buddhists
Most important book: Sutras
Place of worship and gatherings: Buddhist temple
Where most followers live: Asia (mainly Southeast Asia)
In Buddhism, there is no single god, but there are many deities. Their purpose is to guide individuals on the path to becoming better human beings.
The observed figurine represents the deity Aryava Lokitesvara. This difficult name can be translated as "looking down upon the world." In this case, "looking down" means "with compassion," which is why this deity is also referred to as the "listener to the cries of the world."
The figure on the figurine has three faces and twenty-four hands arranged in three rows. Above the deity's heads, there are additional heads arranged in the form of a pyramid. The figure is dressed in a robe that reaches the ankles, with a sash draped over it in the shape of serpents.
Buddhism – A religion that does not recognize the existence of God as a person, but focuses on the Four Noble Truths to help man avoid suffering.
Christianity – A religion based on belief in one God in three persons. The most important book for Christians is the Bible.
Islam – A religion based on belief in one God whose name is Allah. The followers of Islam are Muslims. The holy book is the Koran.
Judaism – religion professed by Jews; Judaism is belief in one God. The most important book for the followers of Judaism is the Torah.
Catholicism – one of the main branches of Christianity. The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. Most followers of Catholicism live in Central and South America (in countries such as Paraguay, Argentina and Mexico) and in Europe (including Poland, Spain and Italy).
Orthodoxy – one of the main branches of Christianity. It differs from Catholicism, among others in that he does not recognize the sovereignty of the pope. Most Orthodox believers live in countries such as: Russia, Moldova, Greece, Georgia, Romania and Ukraine.
Protestantism – one of the main branches of Christianity. It differs from Catholicism, among others that of the sacraments he recognizes only Baptism and the Eucharist. The largest number of Protestant believers live in the United States, Europe (including Great Britain and Scandinavia) and South Africa.
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między 1951 — 2000
National Museum in Szczecin
Zawartko, Alice
National Museum in Lublin
1901 — 1950
National Museum in Szczecin
National Museum in Szczecin
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