Figure - man
między 1951 — 2000
National Museum in Szczecin
People all over the world differ not only in skin color or the language they speak, but also in religion. It is related to many different aspects of our life, e.g. the holidays we celebrate and the accompanying behaviors or objects. What we believe also affects the rhythm of the day, week, and even the year. Find out about it with the example of the four religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, learning about them in general and in detail.
Buddhism – A religion that does not recognize the existence of God as a person, but focuses on the Four Noble Truths to help man avoid suffering.
Christianity – A religion based on belief in one God in three persons. The most important book for Christians is the Bible.
Islam – A religion based on belief in one God whose name is Allah. The followers of Islam are Muslims. The holy book is the Koran.
Judaism – religion professed by Jews; Judaism is belief in one God. The most important book for the followers of Judaism is the Torah.
Catholicism – one of the main branches of Christianity. The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. Most followers of Catholicism live in Central and South America (in countries such as Paraguay, Argentina and Mexico) and in Europe (including Poland, Spain and Italy).
Orthodoxy – one of the main branches of Christianity. It differs from Catholicism, among others in that he does not recognize the sovereignty of the pope. Most Orthodox believers live in countries such as: Russia, Moldova, Greece, Georgia, Romania and Ukraine.
Protestantism – one of the main branches of Christianity. It differs from Catholicism, among others that of the sacraments he recognizes only Baptism and the Eucharist. The largest number of Protestant believers live in the United States, Europe (including Great Britain and Scandinavia) and South Africa.
między 1951 — 2000
National Museum in Szczecin
National Museum in Lublin
1901 — 1950
National Museum in Szczecin
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Educational path