Room in the Tower
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Part of the collection: Interiors
Historical names: Room No 2 (19th c.)
Room No 2 (19th c.)
Room (19th, 20th c.)
The Roman Room (20th c.)
Other names: The Pompeian Room
Time of construction: 1629-1641
Architects: likely Maciej Trapola (1629-1641); Tadeusz Dachowski (1927-1929)
Artists: Vincenzo Brenna 1780s
The one-story room, located in the north-west corner, belongs to the original 17th-century vaulted interiors of the Łańcut castle erected by Prince Stanisław Lubomirski (1583-1649), the first of this family to own Łańcut. The interior, accessible from the northern corridor, has a rectangular plan with a barrel vault with lunettes, two windows facing west and one porte-fenêtre (with an exit to the terrace) from the north, and a hidden door in the cut north-west corner, as well as plinth panelling added in the early 19th century. A fireplace was installed in the eastern wall during the works carried out in 1927-1929. It was then that the final decor designed by Tadeusz Dachowski was created, modelled on the earlier wall polychrome by Vincenzo Brenna. The lower parts of the walls and the window and door jambs and overdoors, lined with ash and oak panelling topped with a bas-relief with leafy ornaments, received a colourfully painted decoration of panels with arabesque and grotesque motifs in a candelabra arrangement. The door panels and porte-fenêtre are decorated similarly, and the vault, lunettes and arches on an aquamarine background have colourful polychrome in the Pompeian type. The fireplace in lieu of the old door, made of white marble, is framed by a pair of pilaster strips with volutes and has an oak casing above the cornice with a pair of fluted Ionic pilasters, carrying a crownpiece with a central field, originally with a horse portrait of Alfred Antoni with a pack, painted by Wright Barker in 1927.
Cholewianka-Kruszyńska Aldona, Wielokulturowy obraz polowań par-force w Łańcucie i w Antoninach. Wpływ polowań par-force na funkcjonowanie i obraz obu rezydencji [in:] Europejskie tradycje łowieckie, T.J. Żuchowski (ed.) III Międzynarodowy Kongres Kultury Łowieckiej, Łowiec Polski 2013, pp. 90-92
Kossakowska-Szanajca Zofia, Majewska-Maszkowska Bożenna, Zamek w Łańcucie, Warsaw 1964, pp. 139-141
Majewska-Maszkowska Bożenna, Mecenat artystyczny Izabelli z Czartoryskich Lubomirskiej 1736-1816, p. 146
Omilaniwska Małgorzata, Sito Jakub, Katalog zabytków sztuki w Polsce, seria nowa vol. III, book 5,Warsaw 1994, pp. 24-26
Piotrowski Józef, Zamek w Łańcucie: zwięzły opis dziejów i zbiorów, Lviv 1933, pp. 57-58
Aldona Cholewianka-Kruszyńska
Other names
Pompeian Room
Object type
Creation time / dating
Creation / finding place
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Identification number
Location / status
Castle Museum in Łańcut
19th / 20th century
Castle Museum in Łańcut
20th century
Castle Museum in Łańcut
National Museum in Szczecin
Educational path