Divination set
między 1951 — 2000
National Museum in Szczecin
The world of science is based on reason. Only what we can see, weigh and measure is certain. For this reason, the title glass (e.g. a magnifying glass) turns out to be a useful tool, but also the eye. However, there is a second world - the world of magic, which eludes rational thinking. It is dominated by prophecies, spells and magical items. See if you know the terms related to this world.
Amulet – an item to which magical powers are attributed, usually protective and caring towards its owner.
Judaism – religion professed by Jews; Judaism is belief in one God. The most important book for the followers of Judaism is the Torah.
Jews – followers of the religion known as Judaism; for centuries they settled in many places around the world, incl. in Poland. In 1948, the state of Israel was established, in which many Jews live.
między 1951 — 2000
National Museum in Szczecin
między 1951 — 2000
National Museum in Szczecin
między 1951 — 2000
National Museum in Szczecin
Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów
Educational path