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Award medal

Part of the collection: Medals and historical orders

Popularization note

Award medals were most often associated with economic exhibitions organised on a relatively large scale in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Such expositions became an essential part of life, as they provided opportunities to present the latest technological achievements. The then established associations greatly influenced the dissemination of knowledge about the latest trends in developing various branches of the economy. The presented medal is related to gardening activities carried out in the Pomeranian Province of the Kingdom of Prussia. Gardening experienced a true renaissance in the second half of the 19th century. New residences were decorated with exotic species of trees, flowers and plants imported from abroad. It is not known who and when ordered the medal, but it can be assumed that he was connected to the Szczecin Horticultural Society. The organisation was established in 1862. It initiated many competitions, flower exhibitions, provided professional advice and exchanged experiences. Iconographically, the medal combines an epigraphic type with a coat of arms. The central field of the obverse is filled with a zonal inscription surrounded by a wreath of flowers and fruit, while the reverse stamp is dominated by a griffin perched on a fallen trunk. The griffin image refers to the motif found on Pomeranian coins minted after the death of the last Duke, Bogislaw XIV (1580-1637). The inscription G. LOOS refers to the Berlin medallic workshop marking its products with the first owner Gottfried Bernhard Loos (1773-1843). The text placed in the wreath: FÜR VERDIENSTVOLLE LEISTUNGEN IM GARTENBAU (for outstanding achievements in horticulture) is the only indication of the intention to strike the medal.

Genowefa Horoszko

Information about the object

Information about this object Award medal

Other names


Author / creator

Krüger, Emil (czynny 1879-1895) (zarządca)
Loos, Gottfried Bernhard (1773–1843) (były właściciel zakładu)
berliński zakład medalierski (Berliner Medaillen-Münze) (mennica)


cały obiekt: diameter: 42.6 mm

Object type






Creation time / dating

1851 — 1900

Creation / finding place

powstanie: Królestwo Prus (państwo historyczne, Europa, Cesarstwo Niemieckie), Berlin (Niemcy) (wybicie)


National Museum in Szczecin

Identification number


Location / status

object is not displayed now

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