Kury i koguty | Hens and Roosters
1989 — 1990
National Museum in Szczecin
Lurking in the recesses of objects, hidden in decorations, imagined and dreamed in various corners of the world and cultures. We present the most interesting spooks, amazing and strange creatures that now live in museums and are waiting to be rediscovered.
Symbol – a concept, object, animal, etc., which have one literal meaning and a different number of hidden meanings
Legend – a story about heroes or historical events, but saturated with fantastic themes. Usually, long transmitted only orally, then recorded in writing. The most famous legends are about saints
Myth / Mythology – A story or collection of stories about deities and supernatural beings that somehow explains the world
Coat of arms – the emblem of the state, city or institution, also the hereditary ancestral mark of the nobility. Coats of arms are broadcast to this day
Grotesque – exaggerated, exaggerated, bizarre, comic
1989 — 1990
National Museum in Szczecin
XIX/XX wiek
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Educational path