4. ćwierć XVIII wieku
Castle Museum in Łańcut
The heroines of this story lived in completely different times. However, they were all similar in character – resourceful, stubborn and hard-working. Many of them were trailblazers for other women, taking on tasks that were only for men at that time. Others showed courage that could be the envy of many men. It is no exaggeration to say that thanks to our heroines the world has changed. Let us see if we can still learn something from them today.
Self-portrait – a portrait of the artist taken by himself/herself.
Jewish ghetto – during World War II, a separate part of a town where Jews were confined and not allowed to leave.
Hero (Demi-god) – in mythology it was the offspring of one of the immortal gods and a mortal man.
Mythology – a collection of stories about gods and heroes who possessed superhuman powers.
Jews – followers of the religion known as Judaism; for centuries they settled in many places around the world, including Poland. In 1948, the state of Israel was established, where many Jews live.
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4. ćwierć XVIII wieku
Castle Museum in Łańcut
4. ćwierć XVIII wieku
Castle Museum in Łańcut
4. ćwierć XVIII wieku
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Castle Museum in Łańcut
Educational path