Apostles: Bartholomew, Simon, Andrew
1510 — 1520
National Museum in Szczecin
Part of the collection: Medieval sculpture of West Pomerania
The Crucified Christ figure represents a group of mystical crucifixes popular in 15th-century art, showing the image of the tormented Christ. The representation derives from the piety associated with 14th-century mysticism and is devotional in nature. Crucifixes of this type, particularly popular in monastic circles, were intended to contemplate the suffering and death of Christ on the cross.
The sculpture is considered to be a medieval replica of the crucifix from Ciećmierz, as a piece from the same workshop. The piece from Ciećmierz – known from archival sources – was distinguished by the form of a cross shaped from bent branches curling circularly at the ends. Crosses of this type referred to as forked crosses symbolically refer to the biblical tree of life. It can be assumed that the figure in question was attached to a cross, which also imitated the model sculpture.
The statue comes from the village of Benz (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) on the island of Usedom. It is likely to have been a fixture in the Church of St Peter that belonged to the Norbertines of the nearby monastery in Pudagli. Thus, the Benz crucifix can be associated with the culture and spirituality of the Pomeranian Premonstratensians.
The sculpture is presented in the permanent exhibition Mystery of Light. Medieval art in Pomerania.
Kinga Krasnodębska
Author / creator
Object type
figure, crucifix, sacred object
Oak wood
Origin / acquisition method
Creation time / dating
Creation / finding place
Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
Identification number
Location / status
1510 — 1520
National Museum in Szczecin
circa 1340 — 1344
National Museum in Szczecin
1510 — 1520
National Museum in Szczecin
Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów
Educational path